Saturday, June 2, 2007

Remembering Grayson

Yesterday, scores of Grayson's friends and family joined him at the hospital to say good-bye and give Lauren any comfort and support they could. His mother and father were consoled by the fact that Grayson was blessed with so many caring friends. Between the tears, we shared stories that captured the unique spirit of Grayson in all facets and phases of his life. Please share any stories or remembrances you have of the friend we lost today.


Unknown said...

I'm thinking about you, Lauren. I can be in Denver in a second -- whenever you need or want me there. Just know that I love you and am thinking about you.


Dan said...

I will never forget the times we spent, along with Tom Hoskings, at Ft Bliss. Could that have really been 15 years ago?? Grayson was always a kidder. I answer my work-related phone numbers simply by saying "MacLemore". Grayson would call me and when I answered would say "Pointer". I never beat him in a putting contest, partly because I never knew what he was going to pull next. Remembered, Respected, Missed by all.

Kathy said...

I thought of a Grayson story. Two summers ago, I drove the SW4 lead vehicle up Mt. Evans. At the last minute before I had to go, I saw Grayson and asked him if he wanted to be my copilot, so he jumped in and rode to the top with me. I was drinking water, and by the time we got to Echo Lake, I already had to pee. I couldn't pull over, so I had to hold it, and it only got worse. Through those last switchbacks to the top, I was having a REALLY hard time holding it and was seriously concerned that I was going to wet my pants. I had put in one of my mix CDs, and when U2's "Elevation" came on, every time it got to the chorus, "El-E-VA-TION," Grayson would sing, "UR-I-NA-TION." I kept yelling at him to stop, but he was ruthless. Then as soon as we got to the top, I jumped out of the car and ran to the restroom while he parked my car. I came back, relieved, and then he told me (lying) that I had a big wet spot on the back of my pants. I wanted to hit him.--Kathy Mackechney

bart said...

Lauren, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Grayson is one of the most unique and genuine people I have ever met. He will be missed by many.

Line said...

John, Nicky and Elizabeth really enjoyed spending this past Christmas with you two (as did Mike and I)and loved hanging out with their new uncle. He was so great with the kids and it was such an enjoyable Christmas with wonderful family (remember Grayson carried Elizabeth around in a giant gift bag?)
Lauren, there are no words but there is love and lots of it from all of us here in the Corvari house. We are thinking of you and love you so much.


Brent said...

As a child my father had given me the nickname "Little B". As an adult I never cared too much for that nickname because I thought I was too old for it. Of course on one our many road trips Grayson heard my Dad call me Little B and I don't think he ever used my real name again. He never said it to mock me, or belittle me, but rather as a term or endearment. It was as if he was family, and he was going to use the nickname my family had given me... I am so lucky to have known Grayson and so honored that he called me friend. We miss you brother. b

Rick said...

Grayson came to work in our Denver office almost ten years ago and during a portion of that time I was his manager. Actually I am not sure any of us really "managed" Grayson - his independence and "get-it-done" approach meant that he tended to be out on his own alot. Because of this we gave him the "sticky" projects and I always appreciated how he got them done on his own. I also always knew exactly where he stood - when he was happy about things and when he was mad. He would come in and say "I am mad at you and here's why" We would talk it out and move on. I respect this honesty. I will miss him greatly. Rick

Unknown said...

I didn't really know Grayson too well, but I heard a lot of wonderful things about him through others. I do have a Grayson story though...I was riding back in from Golden one gorgeous Sunday. All of a sudden this guy comes flying by me in his Schwab/Torelli colors...and I mean FLYING. I lost sight of him. I thought to myself "If that's who I think it is, then I would love to try and catch him...because he's F A S T!". I chased and chased, every now and then I'd get a look back. Finally, I caught up to him at a Red Light. I knew it...Grayson Pointer. He didn't know me from any other local Cat 4 racer, but he looked at me, breathing heavily as if I just got done climbing Mt Evans on a fixed gear, and said "Nice job. Keep up the training." He took off at the green light, and I stood there for a few seconds...I smiled.

Greg Powers said...

Nicknames seem to be a theme here. He called me last year and when I answered he just said "GP!" I didn't know who it was at first, then he said it was "GP". From that day forward, even last Thursday night, the first thing he did when he saw me was shout "GP!" and I would just answer "gp". It would be impossible to live up to the level of enthusiasm he always seemed to have going.
I will also remember his race in the first Salida Omnium where he lapped the field on a 1 mile course. It took him and another rider at least 45 minutes to do it, but I was cheering for him every lap. I watched the whole 90 minutes play out from start to finish and it was one of the best bike races I have ever seen, it would have been an average criterium if Grayson hadn't decided to "go for it" and never let up.

karen fallon said...

dearest friends, i cannot say anything that will ease your grief. i believe with all my heart that Grayson is with our Lord and has no pain only joy.

I wil be in touch oooxxx

Denise Howe said...

To Grayson's family and to dear sweet lauren - we are so saddened by your loss. Grayson is such a dear person to us. We loved his addition to the cycling community (he was so FAST!) and he was one of the first Torelli guys to give a word of encouragement when I first started racing for schwab. never elitist, always kind and very funny too. Lauren, our heart goes out to you. If you need ANYTHING, please call. He will be very much missed by all.We certainly feel a tremendous loss here at the Schwab cycles team. And to think we were just kicking back and laughing at one of the last CCTT wondering if we even cared to race in the wind. Such fond memories of you 2 as a couple. Glad you married on Mt. Evans last summer - it was such a special place for you two. We will remember the good memories...
~Denise and Will

Lea Spears said...

Where do I begin, dear friend, it's been almost 10 years of only smiles with you - you helped me with countless things throughout my life, from breakups to bike tune-ups - we worked on your house together from tile setting to toilets - We always kept tabs on each other even several months had passed. I still will keep checking on you my Grayson.
I do have one great story and "I wish you could correct me when I tell it wrong Grayson".
It was the Hotter 'N Hell race in Texas and his shoe broke off the clip mid race, he put the broken shoe in his back waistband and opened a Power Bar, chewed it, stuck it in his sock and with the heat and pressure it melded his foot back to the pedal so his foot and pedal were one again! This was done all the while he was still racing - nevertheless he passed several riders and finished the race! This is where I don't remember the details - as to what place he finished, but I think it was a pretty spectacular comeback - maybe someone can help finish this story?

You are the original 'G'
will be forever missed.

Suzy said...
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Suzy said...
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Suzy said...

We are thinking of you, your family and Grayson's family nonstop during this time of tremendous grief and loss. We enjoyed the times we were able to spend with you and Grayson. He was quick with a smile and had such enthusiasm. He was so in love with you and that was evident from every conversation we had! Grayson will be missed and always in our thoughts. We are praying for you and will be in touch.
Michael, Suzy & Jack VanDerBosch

Unknown said...

Lauren and family. I am deeply saddened by this tragic loss. Grayson brought a lot of joy and humor to all of us. Grayson , I have only known you for about a year. And since then I was proud to call you my friend. You and Lauren have been so good to me and Carmen. Thank you for introducing me to bike racing and letting me drag along with you on our one ride together. Even though you had to wait for me at the top of the hills. I could always count on a good laugh when I saw you. You are truly genuine. I love you guys.


Unknown said...

Lauren and all of Grayson's family,
Our family is deeply saddened by your loss- actually it is our loss as well - a loss to everybody that Grayson had an impact on. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you in the coming days and we will always keep Grayson close to our hearts.
The Carnie family

Unknown said...

I first met Grayson while working on a two week project in Washington D.C. He pulled up to the hotel in a Yellow Convertible Mustang. I knew then that he had a strong energy about him. He taught me a lot in the two weeks that we were working together and was always there to encourage me. For the next four years, I would always bug Grayson to send me to work on one of his jobs in Borger, Texas...why do you just so happens that when we were in D.C. he found out that I grew up in Borger and still have family there. I will miss our talks of Borger, but more importantly I will miss my friend. I pray for peace that only God can give in this situation. -Matt (Weston Houston)

mgibson said...

I kicked your ass for the Stars and Stripes! At least that's what I've always told myself! I made the winning break and you solo'd up to it. With two laps to go we were getting caught...I screamed at everyone that all we need is a bit more effort from each and we'd stay took the next pull...bigger than all the rest!!! At the finish I was the one with the kick, with you right the photo's it shows you with a hand in the air pointing at me for the win....thats the type of guy you were! I will never forget....

JH said...

I knew Grayson for many years from bike racing, but I was only just recently getting to really know him as he was a new member on Team Einsteins. I think we were both struggling at the same times during this seasons most recent races. He'd encourage me when I was about to crack and I'd do the same for him. I soon found that we could always laugh at the hardest parts of the races and then congratulate each other for getting through it, usually in amazement that we did. We are all going to miss you, Grayson. I hope we can all be comforted in knowing where you are now, there will be no more suffering at the back of the pack. Keep smiling and thanks for riding with us.

Prayers and best wishes for Lauren and all Graysons family and friends.


Unknown said...


I have got my leave. Bid me farewell, my brothers!
I bow to you all and take my departure.

Here I give back the keys of my door
---and I give up all claims to my house.
I only ask for last kind words from you.

We were neighbors for long,
but I received more than I could give.
Now the day has dawned
and the lamp that lit my dark corner is out.
A summons has come and I am ready for my journey.

Rabindranath Tagore

Lisa Strong said...

derek and Lisa's favorite story is when Grayson and Lauren took us to the Stars concert right before they went to Mexico. It was our first experience of the Stars and from now on their music will remind us of G & L! So, the best part of the night was when Lauren and Lisa went off to the bathroom Grayson pulled Derek aside and confidently told him he would soon ask Lauren to marry him. He was so in love with her it was hard to keep his excitement in, I don't know how it was such a surprise to Lauren! But we're glad to have been a part of that exciting time!

Skeeter said...

Apparently Grayson had a knack for naming people. I met Grayson as a freshman Lacrosse player at SFA in 1994. In my first game with the team I somehow ended up with the ball and had no clue what to do with it. Grayson saw my confusion and yelled "Mosquito, Mosquito" from across the field. I passed Grayson the ball and he did what he always did, scored. From then on I was known on the team as Mosquito. Which slowly morphed into Skeeter. When I became a radio DJ I used DJ Skeet as my on air name. Now, more then 12 years later, everyone one from old friends to coworkers and even family refer to me as Skeet. Thanks Grayson.

GSB said...

My sypathies go out to the Pointer Families and friends, wish I could be there to personally offer my support. My story of Grayson begins on a lonely road in East Texas some 15 years ago. For some reason I had chosen to ride the 100 mile route of the Pineywoods Purgatory. At about mile 60, I found myself all alone, totally shot, and looking for the sag vehicle. A hot shot young kid comes along on a ole Peugeot 10 speed junker. He obviously knew I was in bad shape, slowed down, and asked if I needed help. He introduced himself and indicated he was an avid mountain bike rider at SFA. This was his first road ride, first century, and was riding on a borrowed bike. Since I had been riding for several years, I felt less than humbled. Grayson then pulled my old body all the way to the finish line having to wait numerous times for me to catch up. After the ride and over some post ride fajitas, Grayson indicated he was nearing graduation from SFA with either an environmental science or forestry degree (I can't remember which one). I at the time was the geosciences section manager in Weston's Houston office. To make a long story short, I hired Grayson shortly thereafter and, he became my right hand man after only a few years. I knew him afterward only as GEP. True to his nature as I remember back to my first introduction to Grayson, he supported me through many challenges and we had some great times together. Ride on GEP, I'll never forget you

(Greg Braddy)

GSB said...

Response to Lea Spears Comment:

You have a great story of Grayson, and I was actually racing with him during this particular HHH. His clip did break off his shoe. What he actually did though was remove his shoe and place the power bar and a folded up route map into his sock, then finished the race with only one shoe. I hung with him and the pack for most of the race, but was dropped with about 10 miles to go when the acceleration began. I think he finished 13th or so. A great story and a testiment of Grayson's resolve when faced with a challenge.


Stephanie Harrington said...


We are so incredible sorry for your loss and feel so fortunate to have gotten to spend the times with Grayson we did. He was truly one of the "special" people. I just remember how drawn our infant son was to Grayson. He would stare and stare at him and wouldn't take his eyes off of him when he was in the room. He just felt it. I am so glad to have had last New Year's and other evenings with Grayson. He was such an incredible person.
He will be so missed.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Much, much love~
Stephanie, Brendan and Aidan Harrington

Chris Behrens said...

I remember racing with Grayson about 300 times. He was always and there, always had a big smile and something positive to say. That’s not how we first met though. In a race, we got into a big shouting match. The race was hot, fast and crazy. We were both working so hard and our tempers just flew. Minutes later we both realized it and apologized to each other. Ever since then we were friends. He was just one of those guys you really liked and wanted to be around. Before and after races, Grayson was always so friendly and outgoing to me. During a race, he was a tough competitor and kicked by butt 99% of the time. I'll never for get it. cb

Chris Behrens said...

I remember racing with Grayson about 300 times. He was always and there, always had a big smile and something positive to say. That’s not how we first met though. I remeber the first time we a race, we got into a big shouting match. The race was hot, fast and crazy. We were both working so hard and our tempers just flew. Minutes later we both realized it and apologized to each other. Ever since then we were friends.

He was just one of those guys you really liked and wanted to be around. Before and after races, Grayson was so friendly and outgoing to me. During a race, he was a tough competitor and kicked by butt 99% of the time. I'll never for get him. cb

Ewam said...

I remember on a winter training ride, found myself on Grayson’s wheel for the sprint. I was just happy to be on his wheel considering how strong he rides. After he crossed the imaginary sprint line, he looked at me and said “Could you have come around me...because…you should have been able to come around me?” Everyone knows, I can’t out sprint Grayson, at the same time this is just one example of things he would say things to me over the years to encourage me on and off the bike...he even gave me tips on managing the weeds in my backyard! He’s a guy that will offer a smile, a joke and good advice, freely and effortlessly…a gift for which I am grateful. It was awesome to see him fall head over heals for Lauren...recall anytime he talked about her he’d just smile or giggle...that too was a great lesson to learn. Thanks for all the help along the way Grayson…you’re a good man and I’ll always remember you and those funny winter smurf-blue cycling tights. Thanks brother, e

Mary Ann said...

I am so incredibly sorry to hear about Grayson's untimely death. He was a very special person. Although it's been years since we last saw one another I have fond memories of summers in RT, which seem like just a few years ago, not 20. We will keep Lauren and Grayson's family in our prayers, and hope they may find some comfort in their memories. Please know that our thoughts are with you.

Dawn Denham-Ewell said...

I met Grayson when he started with the Houston office of WESTON (about 10 years ago). At the time, new hires had to give a presentation, and he discussed his life in Saudi, before moving to Houston. I had a bad cold, and was coughing constantly, and he always remembered me as the girl who kept coughing during his presentation! We (coworkers and friends) had a lot of fun times with Grayson..happy hours, parties, and just having a ball at one of our office picnics at Splashtown. Grayson even tried convincing me he was a new "breed" of human, and to be honest, I now believe him..there is no one as wonderful, sincere, hardworking, and full of life as Grayson. You are loved by many, and will be missed by just as many. Lauren, please know that Grayson found a place in many of our hearts here in Houston.

Thinking of you and your families,
Dawn Denham-Ewell

Tricia said...

When Grayson came back from working at the Katrina response, he had a unbelievable story. He had seen a woman driving in a car with her kids and she was swerving around dangerously in traffic. Grayson thought she might have been driving under the influence and he was so mad that she would endanger her kids, so he decided he would find a way to stop her or pull her over. So, in midst of traffic in New Orleans, Grayson managed to pull in front of this woman's car and stop her only to realize she was in diabetic shock. Grayson saved that woman AND her kids lives that day. That was Grayson- a man of action. Love you Grayson and I miss you more than you know.

Andy Johnson said...

What a great loss. We are sorry to loose clearly such a beautiful person. I sure would have loved to know Grayson. I have enjoyed reading other's accounts of Grayson. Thanks for all the stories. Our cycling team lost a rider and a good friend two years ago. Our heart goes out to you, Lauren, your family and friends, and the Schwab/Torelli Cycling Team. Our team will celebrate Grayson's life and spirit.

Andy Johnson, Feedback Sports Racing Team

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knew Grayson is lucky to have been a part of such positive energy and genuine kindness. He will be missed and never forgotten by those of us whose lives he touched. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends.


David Bordelon said...

I met Grayson a year and a half ago at the Hurricane Katrina Response, where he selflessly gave his time and energy to assist in the city of New Orleans’s recovery from the storm. Grayson managed an emergency response team of twenty or so people involved in the recovery every type of hazardous materials located in the impacted area. Grayson and I sat about 15 feet apart for the better part of his time spent in New Orleans. While I was impressed with Grayson’s ability to manage the daily crisis associated with work, it was his personality and sense of humor that I appreciated most. From the time we’d show up in the morning, until we left at night, Grayson was there to exchange barbs and jokes, all the while taking care of business. The days and weeks would have been much more difficult to handle without having Grayson there to give me a hard time about something. He cared about the personnel he managed, and there safety and well being was always his highest priority. He was always willing to take the blame for the team, and then give them all of the credit when praised. I’d like to pass along to Grayson’s friends, family and to Lauren, from all of the personnel who were involved with the Katrina response, our deepest sympathies and our thanks for our memories of Grayson; he was truly a wonderful person to have known.

karen fallon said...

I am wondering if you can provide a contact address for Grayson's mom and dad. We were with them in Arabia and would like to express our condolences to them.

Thanks, karen

doug said...

I'm rarely at loss for words. I think, like everybody, I have a lot of good Grayson stories. He was around more than I realized. For a while it seemed like he was following me. He was his own man. I still have a hard time believing he's gone. After his last race before the cancer treatment he told me that he was going to beat it, he was 100% confident. I looked hard and didn't see one hint of false bravado, he had no doubts. That to me summed up his character, no doubt, confident with the ability to conquer any challenge he set his mind to. Yeah, I'll miss him.

Chad said...

like many, i was at a total loss for words. i was fortunate to talk with Grayson as he delt with and beat cancer. i was looking forward to seeing him back at the races. he was as nice as they come and will be sadly missed. missy and i will see you at the memorial. all the best...

Unknown said...

Lauren, May God continue to blees you and the family. I enjoyed working with Grason at the Houston office. As the lord word say, to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. We serve a good God.

Gabie said...

Mr. Dave and I want to let you know that if you need anything please call us. You and Grayson have been in our thoughts and prayers ever since you moved away. I'm honored to have had the opportunity to massage both of you and will hold on to that forever. We are always available if you need us just call.

Gabriela & Dave Shook

big nummy said...

My story with Grayson just happens to be from his last race and goes along with all the other posts. Grayson always had a smile on his face and this time was no different. We were joking around in the parking lot at Coal Miners Classic and he made some comment about the hill and how I was gonna get worked. We both laughed and headed off to the start. Needless to say we both crashed in a crazy downhill corner. When we got up Grayson held the front of his bike up and his front wheel was totally taco'ed. I had a flat rear tire, and we were both super ticked off. After about 30 seconds Grayson just got the biggest smile on his face as we were running off to the start line to get back in the race. I couldnt help but smile back at him not knowing that would be our last HOOYAH!!!!

Grayson... You will never be Forgotten

Annie Switzer said...

I am greatly saddened by your loss. We had the privilege of meeting Grayson through his parents, Alice and Glen Pointer. It was always enjoyable to visit with him about his biking, golfing or whatever. He was someone whom you always knew had a huge love for life and the outdoors. My family's sympathy goes to you all.

Brenda Tirrell said...

A teacher has students, and then a teacher has those she counts as really special. Grayson was special. I have wonderful memories of him. Just the thought of not seeing him again is very painful.
Love to his parents and his lovely wife.
Brenda Tirrell

Kim Walters said...

To Everyon;
I am so sorry for everyone's loss of your beloved Grayson. I did not know him. I have knowledge of him through his sister, Glena. I am writing to you because I want you all to know how truly blessed you are to have known such an amazing individual as Grayson. Not everyone has the opportunity to know someone like him. Through your postings and my conversations with Glena I have come to realize just how much one person can, if they so choose, touch other people's lives. From your testimonies I have learned Grayson was a strong, to the point, enthusiastic, loving, intelligent, caring, considerate, witty, joyful, energetic, make life happen, live life to the fullest,gravitational force, kind of guy. You have been blessed and I'm sure consider yourselves lucky to have known him. I am sorry I never got to meet him but I am inspired to live my life in such a way that it might impact and touch at least a fraction of people that the positive and meaningful life of Grayson Pointer.

Sincerely and with many continued prayers,
Kim Walters

Amanda Nadolski-Beauchemin said...

I grew up with Grayson in Saudi and have never forgotten him. He was always quite the prankster. We were a pretty tight knit family since there were not to many of us in our class. I ran into him while he was at University of Texas playing lacrosse and he hadn't changed a bit. We caught up and talked about old times. What a great young man he had become.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I wish I could attend the memorial service as I would love to hear all the great stories that people have to share.
My thoughts and prayers are with you Lauren and Mr. and Mrs. Pointer. May time ease your pain.

Amanda Nadolski-Beauchemin

Josh said...

I'm proud to say that Grayson and I became good friends while playing lacrosse at the University of Texas. I'm so sad that he's gone. There are those memories that never diminish with time and I have to say that Grayson occupies more than his fair share of mine. I have a great one of the night he and I walked the streets of New Orleans together and would have had just as much fun if the streets had been empty. He was that funny and fun. But the memories I cherish more are just all the good times in Austin like the afternoon basketball games or the lacrosse games. Grayson and I always kept track of each other on the field and our offense benefited from that connection. He was such a great athlete and I was always envious of his speed (I hear he was also fast on a bike). All the guys from your Austin days will miss you. I'll never forget you. My thoughts are with Lauren and his family.

Josh said...

I had to post another one to share an email that my mother sent to me today:

I’ve been thinking about Grayson all day today..very nice, very polite, genuinely interested in everything and everyone. I remembered a time when he called here once looking for you. He and I talked for some time…most young guys get off the phone as quickly as possible, but Grayson wanted to know what I was up to…We always love anyone who shows interest in us, don’t we?! Did he have any children? So very sad.

Unknown said...

i knew Grayson in high school, and just learned of his passing. one word comes to mind: honesty. maybe another - energetic. i am very sad to hear of his loss, and as i read over the blog and see what's happened in the 16 years since i last saw him, i'm filled with so many emotions.

r.i.p, sincerely, chris jennings, css '91

Grayson and Lauren's Marriage Day

Grayson and Lauren's Marriage Day

Grayson at the 2005 Vuelta

Grayson at the 2005 Vuelta