Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday, May 30th Update

Grayson remained very stable today. His pressures were within safe limits all day and if this continues they will be able to stop administering the meds that temporarily paralyze him. The nurse assured me tonight that his blood flow to his brain is very good and his brain is in recovery mode. I can see this just by looking at him--his face has healed so quickly and I can only imagine how much healing is occuring inside his head. Please continue to send all your thoughts, energy, love and prayers to him!


Unknown said...

He was probably in need of some good rest anyway! We're thinking of you this morning.
-Dylon and Hugh

LBlarr said...

Once again, it looks like Grayson's physical fitness is coming in handy as far as recovery goes!

Steve said Grayson looked suprising good yesterday considerign the severity of his accident!

We are thinking about both you all the time.

Fish tomorrow for dinner! :-)

Hilary S. said...

Yay! Keep that pressure down!

Mitch said...

As a cycling buddy & friend and an old teammate of Grayson's I want to relay a short story since Grayson can't say it himself.

Last summer, I hadn't seen Grayson for quite a few months since I left the Torelli team, during a group ride, I bumped into him.
As teammates, Grayson and I spent alot of time together going to and the from the races and training together and often we shared our personal lives. I asked him how he was doing and how things were going with Lauren, he said that he has never been so happy as he was with Lauren. He said that everything was abosultely great and he had found true love. I looked over at him as we were riding our bikes and he had the biggest smile from check to check that I had ever seen. The smile seemed to last forever. From that look, I could tell that the world was Lauren and he was hooked.

Grayson keep fighting, we need you!

Unknown said...

As a friend and teammate of Racin Grayson, I can say he is one of the nicest guys out there. Months can go by when we don't talk, but when we do, it is as if no time has passed at all. Grayson, I look forward to cathing up with you when you pull through this tough time. Lauren, be strong and know that our thoughts and prayers are with you always. Goodwillies, and friends, thanks for everything that you do to comfort Lauren and Grayson's family.
Lupa & Tenzing

Haav said...

Grayson and Lauren:
We were so dismayed at the news last week and keep you in our thoughts all the time. You have such an incredible support network of friends and family to help you through. Stay strong.
Cher and Todd

Grayson and Lauren's Marriage Day

Grayson and Lauren's Marriage Day

Grayson at the 2005 Vuelta

Grayson at the 2005 Vuelta